Dr. Bill says that the 'church' has historically tended to veer toward a 'truth' that has little relevance to real people in the real world. For instance, 2+2 is 4. That is truth, but what difference does it make to someone who has been chronically abused, or abandoned, or who struggles with identity, or is addicted to opioids, or stuck in a lifeless relationship, or who just can't please their fathers?

On the other hand, Jesus was always about truth and always relevant. Ask the woman at the well. Ask the condemned prostitute. Ask the beat-up women and men on the hillside in Galilee. It changed lives. We can do that still today--a little or a lot. 

Dr. Bill is a Biblical scholar, student of the attachment theory and neuroscience and truly believes that the Gospel of the love of Christ is powerful enough to make a real difference in the lives of struggling, beat-up and hurting people. Make sure you check out the 'Simple Uncluttered Gospel'. 

Child Psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner said that “Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.”  That's true for adults as well, isn't it? Well if you are a Christian, you have at least one person who is irrationally crazy about you. Jesus purchased it fully for you 2000 years ago. Maybe you haven't felt that incongruous love of Jesus for you recently, we get it. But here at Gospel Rant, you will hear of baby-steps where you can begin to experience that more. 

What is the "Rant"? Don't expect a 3-point sermon, or published bible study. Dr. Bill says that he gives listeners a look into the raw study processing of the text and topic that can lead to books, study guides and series. Don't think 'spoon-feeding.' Don't think you are going to hear a review of what everyone else has said about the text in the last 2000 years. We are looking at it with fresh hungry eyes. Your invitation is to grab a cup of joe, sit back, relax and just enter the dialogue. Yes, you can give feedback. There is a place on the webpage for a review and feedback. If you can't find them, contact us directly, bill@gospel-app.com. You can ask questions. You can disagree. That is what a dialogue needs. Right?


The importance of reviews cannot be overstated. First, they tell us how the podcast is being heard and processed. Are we truly speaking to real people out there and is it relevant. Second, so many people will not even listen to a podcast that isn't highly reviewed. Thanks ahead of time. 

Welcome to Gospel Rant. It is straight talk on all topics religious or secular. Interesting and relevant issues that matter. If you are easily offended, welcome.