In Search of the Ideal Biblical Woman (Ep8)

Matriarch Eve
Remember, the ideal Biblical woman radiates
- Radical Super-human Faith in the Lord
- Willingness to give up illusions of control and security
- Willingness to prioritize others
- Willingness through labor to bring ‘life’ to community
- Willingness to lay aside your rightful intrinsic glory
- Willingness to be shrewd
- Remarkable Sensitivity to the Presence of God
These are Spirit fruit that are God-sourced as a woman lingers in the Heavenly Dance. There also seems to be some common dance steps, overlapping but also distinct from their male counterparts.
It seems that the men’s dance leads them to struggle to redeem Adam’s failures, particularly his unwillingness to own his crime and to be Eve’s redeemer.
It seems the women’s dance invites them to redeem Eve’s failures. Satan created an illusion of control for Eve—an illusion of the benefits of self -determination. But it was an illusion. She distrusted the God who lovingly pulled the strings in her life. And she over-trusting her own ‘feelings’ and desires—what looked good to her—and her own ability to be ‘autonomous’.
In the end, ironically, she not only lost control, but also lost life, intimacy and worth. Tragic really.
And so the curse. Allow me to expand it.
“Eve, between the fall and heaven, you will really want to follow your own desires—what looks good to you—to be able to order and control your own life, without needing Me-- and to submit to no-one—even Me. Your curse will be to want to manage everything, including others, including your husband. He will frustrate your plans by wanting to rule over you… often autocratically. So will always be out of the control you subconsciously long for. That is until, you by faith, do what your mother Eve didn’t do before—reach out to me, trust and submit to me-- and let me be God!”
It is a curse, not a suggestion. So many women will try to defeat the curse on their own, by just trying harder, working harder, trying to be better. But can’t you see that is part of the curse?
Instead, preach the simple uncluttered gospel to the curse’s strongholds in your brain. Say it aloud and often. You can get SUG bookmarks at, just go to the store. Here it is and I am personalizing it to daughters of Eve.
Jesus-Follower woman, strictly because of what Jesus did for you 2000 years ago, God actually loves you. He loves you with all of His heart, as much as the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father. He can’t love you any more or any less than He does right now. He loves you as you are, not as you should be or could be. You can’t add to this love or take away from it.
Now I get it, it often feels like you’ve messed it up, or need to do something so that God would like you better. Not so.
How do you experience it more now?
Simple! Good news, there is something that you can do, and are invited to do. You can take daily baby-steps to ask the Spirit inside of you to make you know, experience, and feel, just how much God loves you right now. Just ask. Ask again later today. Ask tomorrow. Make it a spiritual habit.
Take heart child of God.