In this Gospel Rant podcast and the next we are looking at Jesus' command that we should not ever lust—but honestly—how do we pull that off? It is very much like the previous command, don’t be angry, don’t belittle anyone wit...
In this Gospel Rant podcast and the next we are looking at Jesus' command that we should not ever lust—but honestly—how do we pull that off? It is very much like the previous command, don’t be angry, don’t belittle anyone wit...
Welcome to Gospel Rant. Dr. Bill is continuing on this eye-opening radical journey through the Sermon on the Mount (not a sermon or a mount). We are at Matthew 5:21-26. This is the second part of the podcast about the “New” c...
Dr Bill is taking us on an informative and provocative journey through the Sermon on the Mount. It is the capstone of the entire gospel message of Jesus. If we don’t understand what Jesus is saying and means to say, it will a...
We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people—each loved by God. Did you know that 2/3rds o...
Last year we looked at each of the Oscar nominated Best Picture Films and ranked them related to the prevalence of shame in the film. We created a "Shame-Meter" that ranks films 0-10, with 0 being no shamed loneliness and 10 ...
Holidays and family gatherings can be amazing--but they can also be awkward, difficult and even toxic. Is there anything that we can do? Sure. Check it out. Last time we looked at "why we feel shame during the holidays?" This...
Holidays and family gatherings can be amazing--but they can also be awkward, difficult and even toxic. Is there anything that we can do? Sure. Check it out. See for privacy information.
Chapter 3 of a new and critical series of the Gospel Rant. Borrowing a page from missions, Bill asks if your church is more Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame. Your answer has serious ramifications regarding your innate ability t...
Gospel Rant: How to preach the Simple Uncluttered Gospel to Enneagram #6s, the Loyalist. Featuring Allie Senyard. See for privacy information.
Gospel Rant: How to preach the Simple Uncluttered Gospel to Enneagram #5s, the Investigator. Featuring Allie Senyard. See for privacy information.
Gospel Rant: How to preach the Simple Uncluttered Gospel to Enneagram #4s, the Romantic. Featuring Allie Senyard. See for privacy information.
Gospel Rant: How to preach the Simple Uncluttered Gospel to Enneagram #3s, the Achievers. Featuring Allie Senyard. See for privacy information.
Gospel Rant: How to preach the Simple Uncluttered Gospel to Enneagram #2s, the Helpers. Featuring Allie Senyard. See for privacy information.
Allie Senyard and I are looking at the very popular Enneagram. What difference does the Gospel make to a Christian who is an Enneagram #1? See for privacy information.