How To Biblically Forgive? Episodes

Dr. Bill is an internationally recognized expert on Biblical forgiveness. His Doctoral Thesis was to create and study a new forgiveness intervention that reflected Biblical teachings. It has become the online 3 hour curriculum, The Forgiving Path (www.forgivingpath,com). Over 1000 troubled Christians have been through the Path with remarkable results. On average, participants experienced a 21% reduction in their desire for revenge, a 34% increase in benevolence for the perpetrator and an almost 80% increase in their sense of justice for the crime. There is nothing like this out there.
Oct. 6, 2021

Forgiving Path Testimonies Summer 2021 #5

We have a problem forgiving--big time. This is partly due to a deep misunderstanding of what biblical forgiving is all about. Tragic. This is why we created The Forgiving Path. Does it help real Christians forgive real hurts ...

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Sept. 22, 2021

Forgiving Path Dance Testimonies Summer 2021 #4

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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Aug. 25, 2021

Forgiving Path Testimonies Summer 2021 #2

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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Aug. 11, 2021

Forgiving Path Testimonies Summer 2021 #1

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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Feb. 25, 2020

How Do I Forgive the Astros? Gospel Rant #142

Huge scandal. It has rocked not only Major League Baseball, but the entire sports world. There is no clear path to dealing with the injustice, the robbery, the crime. People are talking about Baseball PTSD. Is there a way tha...

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Oct. 21, 2019

Gospel Rant 133: How To Biblically Forgive?

Dr. Bill Senyard preaching to Urban Life Centurion Church (Johannesburg, S.A.) October 6, 2019. Based upon Jesus parable in Matt 18: 21-35. Bill suggests that we have truly messed this topic up resulting in generation of sha...

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