How To Revitalize Your Church? Episodes

July 13, 2021

The Shrinking Church: Three Reasons Why

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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June 8, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 6: "I Am With You"

We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people—each loved by God. Did you know that 2/3rds o...

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June 1, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 5: "I Am With You"

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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May 25, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 4: Is God Disappointed in What I’ve Do…

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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May 18, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 3: Where’s Justice? (Pt 3): What Would…

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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May 12, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 2: Where’s Justice? (pt 2)

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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May 5, 2021

Christianity-ism Versus Gospel 1: Where's Justice? (pt 1)

This ain’t your parent’s Sunday School class. We have got nothing personally against Sunday School. Our main host, Dr. Bill Senyard was a Lead Pastor for over 25 years. It's just that churches serve a declining number people...

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Sept. 5, 2019

Gospel Rant 129: Is Your Church Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame? Chapt…

This is the beginning of a new and critical series of the Gospel Rant. Borrowing a page from missions, Bill asks if your church is more Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame. Your answer has serious ramifications regarding your inna...

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Aug. 26, 2019

Gospel Rant 128: Is Your Church Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame? Chap 1

This is a critical series of the Gospel Rant. Borrowing a page from missions, Bill asks if your church is more Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame. Your answer has serious ramifications regarding your innate ability to re-engage M...

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Aug. 20, 2019

Gospel Rant 127: Is Your Church Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame? Intro…

This is the beginning of a new and critical series of the Gospel Rant. Borrowing a page from missions, Bill asks if your church is more Guilt-Innocence or Honor-Shame. Your answer has serious ramifications regarding your inna...

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May 16, 2019

Gospel Rant 120: Gospel Discipleship Pt. 3 (featuring Rev. Jeff Buste…

Rev. Jeff Buster shares his thoughts and successes with a unique Gospel-oriented discipleship philosophy for churches. Three part series is a must-listen for pastors and church leaders who want to engage Emerging Adults. See ...

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May 12, 2019

Gospel Rant 119: Gospel Discipleship Pt. 2 (featuring Rev. Jeff Buste…

Rev. Jeff Buster shares his thoughts and successes with a unique Gospel-oriented discipleship philosophy for churches. Three part series is a must-listen for pastors and church leaders who want to engage Emerging Adults. See ...

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May 10, 2019

Gospel Rant 118: Gospel Discipleship Pt. 1 (featuring Rev. Jeff Buste…

Rev. Jeff Buster shares his thoughts and successes with a unique Gospel-oriented discipleship philosophy for churches. Three part series is a must-listen for pastors and church leaders who want to engage Emerging Adults. See ...

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March 13, 2019

Gospel Rant #113: Hey Mills, We've Got Your Backs!

Barna just released a study that they said implied that Millennials weren't fans of evangelizing. Why? Per the survey, they worried that evangelism implied judging others. I believe that Barna and later CT buried the lead. Yo...

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Feb. 8, 2019

MIllennials Say That Witnessing Is Wrong?

According to Barna and recent CT article, 40% of Christian Millennials feel that witnessing is wrong. This rant suggests that this is misleading and drops the real headline.

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