Song Of Songs Episodes

Dr. Bill is going through the short but powerful Old Testament book, The Song of Songs of Solomon. His approach is well-informed, based upon years of study of original language and similar love poetry in the ancient near East. He is writing a new book on the Song (target publishing date 11/23). His first book is available on Amazon (
March 26, 2023

Is There a Godly Eros? (SOS4)

Is there a godly eros? Now we are going to start stepping on toes. But the answer is ‘yes’. Eros, intimate love—that includes but does not require physical sex— was not created after the Fall. It was around from the beginning...

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March 18, 2023

What is Keeping You From Experiencing God’s Kisses? (SOS3)

There are a dozen ways to interpret the Song of Songs, but they fall into two broad camps. While they share many differences, they also share a common underlying philosophy that is borrowed from the Ancient Greeks and Romans—...

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March 12, 2023

More Kisses of God (SOS2)

Per the CDC, 42% of teenagers are experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. That is up 50% from 2011. Nearly 60% of women and 70% of LGBTQ+. We can blame some of that decline on Covid. But I am suggesting ...

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March 5, 2023

What Would a Love Song From God To You Really Sound Like? (SOS1)

We are starting another podcast series on the provocative, wildly misunderstood Old Testament book, The Song of Songs of Solomon. While it is a book that gives us great examples of relational love, particularly marriage, it i...

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