Vagabond Diaries #14: The Garden Tale

Today is a real treat, I hope. I want to read a chapter from the third book in my award-winning Christian fantasy series for 10-16-year-olds, The Garden Tale. It has been favorably compared with Chronicles of Narnia. It is a fun and adventurous story but it also contains wonderful life-changing spiritual truth, or spiritual formation for children that age—and for any adult who might read it.
In The Garden Tale, a dicey corporation GKP has developed a powerful social media device and strategy that has captured the attention of the entire country. Girls, boys, men, and women are addicted to the thing. But who can stop them?
A task force headed by a programmer teen girl, Hui is having a conversation with one of the programmers at GKP, Marv, who is also concerned about the power of the algorithm.
The idea behind my book, The Garden Tale is to offer 10-15 year olds an explanation of the dangers of social media in 10-15 year old language.
Currently some project that 2 out of 3 tweens and teens are technically addicted to social media.
Check it out and get a book to someone you love.
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