Welcome to Gospel Rant and God’s Love for the Unlovable Show. We are in the last stages of our journey through the book of Hebrews: Hebrews 11. In the end, says the author of Hebrews, if you want to stop your ongoing drift, i...
Hey Dr. Bill Senyard here with God’s love for the unlovable and Gospel Rant podcast. Welcome to my series on the book of Hebrews. We will knock out the important Chapter 10 in this show. Often scholars emphasize the differen...
Welcome to God’s love for the unlovable and Gospel Rant Podcast. We are going through the Book of Hebrews. Here’s the question for this show. Can you lose your salvation? And if you answer yes, what do you do or not do to cau...
Hey Dr. Bill Senyard here with Gospel App ministries and Gospel Rant Podcast. Thanks for listening. We have a lot to cover today, two chapters, 8 &9. They represent a single argument or sermon. Very important. Very relevant t...
So who is Melchizedek? Context? In Gen 14, Abraham had just won a surprising, miraculous military victory and is headed home. Two Kings came out to meet him in the King’s Valley (west of Jerusalem?). The King of Sodom, a pict...
I am very concerned about the well-being of teens and tweens today. Frustrated parents, we need big time help. I mean Captain Obvious right? Per the CDC, suicide and homicide rates (10-24) are the highest they have been in de...
Today we dig into the entire concept of entering into God’s rest. Don’t think that it refers to relaxing here. This ain’t My Pillow. Nope, that’s for heaven. Heaven’s going to be great, this ain’t it. Is this important? Yeah,...
Welcome to the Gospel Rant. Hebrews assumes that we Christians are, in spite of what we say, here still on planet earth for a reason only secondarily for our own success and well-being. Face it, heaven would be so much better...
Hebrews assumes that we Christians are, in spite of what we might say, afraid of death. It's a brain thing. To accomplish God’s high Kingdom goals—meaning salvation for others, He requires and even ordains the testing, trials...
Hey Dr. Bill Senyard here. Welcome to God’s love for the unlovable. We are going through the Book of Hebrews. It is very unique and for the most part, poorly covered by most pulpits. Why? Well you will find out again in this ...
Welcome to The Rabboni. This new biblical historical fiction tells of the long-lost journals of the Apostle Matthew. It is 73CE, Matthew had finally completed his biography of the life of Jesus. Now, he and a colorful team of...
Is there such a thing as God-ordained persecution for Jesus-followers? Isn't that a bad thing? How could that be the will of a good father? Great questions. I agree and yet the author of Hebrews seems to see it more clearly t...
There is no more pervasive topic in Hebrews than persecution. Not just that it is a possibility for the follower of Jesus. It is Plan A. It is the way God has designed this. I may not like it—by the way—I don’t—but I don’t ha...
What's up with all of the references in Hebrews to angels? You may be surprised. Likely, there was a very popular jewish mysticism practice that was drawing Jewish Christians away from the gospel. Don't just think of this as ...
Drift happens! In this second show in our new series on Hebrews, we are going to look at Hebrews 1:1 all the way to 2:4, skipping the section on angels which we will cover in the next show. Very interesting stuff. So today, t...
This is the first show in Gospel Rants new series Hebrews. All institutions have a life cycle, from birth to death. Churches do as well. Most don't even realize that it is happening. The author of Hebrews gives very strong wa...
This is the last of the ten Power2Change videos for addicts who want to try something different and powerful. It is immersed in the Gospel, but informed by neuroscience and the Attachment theory. Addicts, watch all ten and le...
Struggling and frustrated Christian, there is one thing in particular that is pushing against your recovery bak to you. It is not evil, or Satan-sourced. It is very human-post-fall. No point whining. There is something that y...
Welcome to Gospel Rant. I am Dr. Bill Senyard. This is the eighth episode of my new series Power2Change. P2C8. Remember the classic SNL sketch about Blue Oyster Cult's “Don’t Fear The Reaper” with Christopher Walken and Will ...
Dr. Bill Senyard here with Gospel App Ministries, Good Enough Parent, and the Gospel Rant Podcast. Look, here’s the thing. I think that we pro-life Christians can do a much better job in this arena. In fact, I wonder if we ar...
Christian, what are you really worth? It makes a real difference. In this show Dr. Bill shares of a major breakthrough in his life when he began to learn what he was really worth. Maybe this will help you in your difficult jo...
SPECIAL and IMPORTANT GOSPEL RANT! Crazy right? Dr. Bill Senyard here with Gospel App Ministries, Good Enough Parent and the Gospel Rant Podcast. 40 million people have stopped going to church in the last 30 years. In 2019, ...
Beyonce said it. Partner, Let Me Upgrade You! What does the upgrade look like? What is you have been pursuing and living from a confusing notion of love? You may be very surprised to hear this, and encouraged. Love feedback, ...
You are not alone! The battle is bigger than you might think from a neuroscientific perspective and far more dangerous long term. Check out this 5 min talk by Dr. Bill Senyard. You won't regret it. Then check the FREE on-line...